Finale: OpenStack Deployed on MAAS with Juju!

This is the final part 6 of my “Deploying OpenStack on MAAS 1.9+ with Juju” series, which is finally, after almost 1 year! \o/ In the last post – Advanced Networking: Deploying OpenStack on MAAS 1.9+ with Juju – I described the main concepts in Juju, and especially the recent networking enhancements, you could use today, with most recent stable release of Juju: 2.0.1.
Here the pieces finally come together, and at the end you should have your own, working private cloud, running the latest OpenStack (Newton), on 4 bare metal machines deployed by Juju via MAAS!
First, I’d like to thank all of my readers for all their support and patience! I know it took a long time, but I hope it will be all worth the wait 🙂
I know from experience a lot can go wrong installing a complicated software platform like OpenStack on such non-trivial networking setup. And when it does, it’s easy to start from scratch with Juju, but it still wastes time and bears frustration. I’d like to spare you that last bit by first going through a “pre-flight check” deployment. Using a simple Pinger charm I wrote for that purpose (although it’s generally useful as well). The charm does not follow the best practices about writing charms for Juju, but that’s intentionally so – to keep it simple. Pinger (source) contains the mandatory metadata, less than 150 lines of bash script, and a single config option. What it does is simple – runs ping(8)
on a number of targets – configurable list (extra-targets
setting), along with the private address and any explicitly bound extra-bindings (ep0..ep9)
specified at deployment time.
Those targets are checked on each unit, and over a peer relation units of the same pinger charm can exchange and check each other’s targets. The result of the check is conveniently indicated with “active / OK” or “blocked / FAIL” Juju status values.
Test Deployment with Pinger(s)
We’ll use a couple of scripts and YAML config files and follow roughly the same steps for the test deployment and the real OpenStack deployment.
Setting up Juju 2.0.1
You’ll need to add ppa:juju/stable to get 2.0.1 on trusty (or xenial):
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:juju/stable $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install juju-2.0 # verify you got the correct version: $ apt-cache policy juju-2.0 juju-2.0: Installed: 1:2.0.1-0ubuntu1~16.04.4~juju1 ...
Now we should add our MAAS as a cloud in Juju (more details here). Create a maas-hw-cloud.yaml
(e.g. in $HOME
) with the following content:
clouds: maas-hw: type: maas auth-types: [oauth1] endpoint:
The endpoint
must match the one you used for logging into the MAAS CLI, but without the /api/2.0/ suffix! (Juju adds that automatically). Get it by running maas list
hw-juju q5XN3EzGGCf2q4hnBP:gtpEpJwDy7pArKpR92:gdpUMYpWUgS2Njs8qV7f8dSbz7WwZh2e hw-root 2WAF3wT9tHNEtTa9kV:A9CWR2ytFHwkN2mxN9:fTnk777tTFcV8xCUpTf85RfQLTeNcX7B
If should be using separate MAAS users for each Juju controller you bootstrap.
Now we need the a maas-hw-creds.yaml
as well. Pick the “juju” user’s MAAS key, we previously created (you could use the “root” user, but it’s a bad practice) and change the highlighted maas-oauth
with it:
credentials: maas-hw: default-credential: hw-juju hw-juju: auth-type: oauth1 maas-oauth: q5XN3EzGGCf2q4hnBP:gtpEpJwDy7pArKpR92:gdpUMYpWUgS2Njs8qV7f8dSbz7WwZh2e
Finally, run these two to configure Juju to use your MAAS:
# (to change it once added, pass --replace at the end below) $ juju add-cloud maas-hw ~/maas-hw-clouds.yaml $ juju add-credential maas-hw -f ~/maas-hw-creds.yaml # (verify with `juju show-cloud maas-hw`)
We’re now ready to bootstrap and deploy, but first a few details about it.
Bundle, Script and Configuration
In the beginning I mentioned we’ll be using a modified openstack-base bundle (its revision 48 in particular I’ve tested). However, we’ll also use a small bash script to drive the deployment. Because we have exactly 4 machines to work with, we cannot deploy the original bundle directly (we’ll need 5 machines – one for the Juju Controller). Therefore, the script runs juju bootstrap
then adds more units to the Juju Controller machine after deploying a scaled-down bundle with 3 machines only. The same approach will be used for the test deployment, and we’ll also need a small YAML config (which can be the same for the real deployment later).
Here are the script and config files I used:
#!/bin/bash set -e : ${JUJU_BIN:=/usr/bin/juju} $JUJU_BIN version $JUJU_BIN kill-controller pinger-maas-hw -y || true $JUJU_BIN bootstrap maas-hw pinger-maas-hw --config=./maas-hw-config.yaml --to node-22 $JUJU_BIN switch pinger-maas-hw:controller sleep 5 $JUJU_BIN deploy -m pinger-maas-hw:controller pinger-bundle-3-nodes.yaml $JUJU_BIN add-unit -m pinger-maas-hw:controller pinger-compute-storage-node --to 0 $JUJU_BIN add-unit -m pinger-maas-hw:controller pinger-compute-storage-node --to lxd:0 watch "$JUJU_BIN status -m pinger-maas-hw:controller" $JUJU_BIN kill-controller pinger-maas-hw
default-series: xenial logging-config: <root>=TRACE enable-os-refresh-update: true enable-os-upgrade: false
And the bundle itself is quite simple:
machines: '1': constraints: arch=amd64 spaces=compute-external series: xenial '2': constraints: arch=amd64 spaces=storage-cluster series: xenial '3': constraints: arch=amd64 spaces=storage-cluster series: xenial series: xenial services: pinger-compute-storage-node: bindings: ep0: admin-api ep1: internal-api ep2: public-api ep3: storage-data ep4: storage-cluster ep5: compute-data charm: cs:~dimitern/pinger num_units: 4 options: extra-targets: "" to: - '2' - '3' - lxd:2 - lxd:3 pinger-network-node: bindings: ep0: admin-api ep1: internal-api ep2: public-api ep3: storage-data ep4: compute-data charm: cs:~dimitern/pinger num_units: 2 options: extra-targets: "" to: - '1' - lxd:1
Since we have 3 storage/compute nodes and 1 network node, we can bootstrap to one of the storage/compute nodes (I’ve used --to node-22
in the script to do that), deploy the 3-node bundle, and add more units to the Juju controller node. We use 2 copies of the Pinger charm, because the network and storage/compute nodes have different endpoint bindings requirements (compute-external space vs storage-cluster, respectively). Also, some units are placed inside LXD containers to ensure they will meet the network connectivity requirements for the OpenStack bundle. Notice how we’re using spaces constraints on the machines to pick the correct ones (only node-11 has access to the compute-external space, while all the storage/compute nodes have access to the storage-cluster space). Pinger’s endpoints (ep0..ep5) are bound to the spaces OpenStack charms expects to be present. To verify end-to-end connectivity on the nodes once deployed by MAAS, we add the IPs configured on MAAS interfaces (ending in .1) to the extra-targets
setting of each of the pingers. Finally, to ensure DNS resolution works and deployed nodes can reach the internet,
(or any similar public hostname) is also present in extra-targets.
In the script could omit the -m pinger-maas-hw:controller
arguments, if we have no other Juju controller / model running (the switch
command is sufficient to ensure we deploy the remaining 3 nodes on the controller model). The initial (and final) kill-controller
commands are not strictly necessary, just make it easier to run the script multiple times and clean up before/after each run.
Deploying (Successfully)
Now for the easy part, run $ ./
and sit back and wait for about 15m. If all goes well, you’ll eventually get the juju status
(we’re watching) output like this:
Model Controller Cloud/Region Version controller pinger-maas-hw maas-hw 2.0.1 App Version Status Scale Charm Store Rev OS Notes pinger-compute-storage-node active 6 pinger jujucharms 1 ubuntu pinger-network-node active 2 pinger jujucharms 1 ubuntu Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message pinger-compute-storage-node/0 active idle 2 OK (all 45 targets reachable) pinger-compute-storage-node/1 active idle 3 OK (all 45 targets reachable) pinger-compute-storage-node/2 active idle 2/lxd/0 OK (all 45 targets reachable) pinger-compute-storage-node/3 active idle 3/lxd/0 OK (all 45 targets reachable) pinger-compute-storage-node/4* active idle 0 OK (all 45 targets reachable) pinger-compute-storage-node/5 active idle 0/lxd/0 OK (all 45 targets reachable) pinger-network-node/0* active idle 1 OK (all 17 targets reachable) pinger-network-node/1 active idle 1/lxd/0 OK (all 17 targets reachable) Machine State DNS Inst id Series AZ 0 started 4y3hge xenial zone2 0/lxd/0 started juju-e438f1-0-lxd-0 xenial 1 started 4y3hdp xenial zone1 1/lxd/0 started juju-e438f1-1-lxd-0 xenial 2 started 4y3hdq xenial zone1 2/lxd/0 started juju-e438f1-2-lxd-0 xenial 3 started 4y3hdr xenial zone2 3/lxd/0 started juju-e438f1-3-lxd-0 xenial Relation Provides Consumes Type peer pinger-compute-storage-node pinger-compute-storage-node peer peer pinger-network-node pinger-network-node peer
Congrats if you got that far – you’re ready to deploy OpenStack with a reasonable expectation for it to succeed 🙂 When satisfied, hit Ctrl+C to interrupt the watch command, and answer “y” to kill the Juju controller and prepare for the OpenStack deployment.
Troubleshooting (Failures)
If you see “FAIL (x of y targets unreachable)” on one or more units, something’s not correctly configured (i.e. YMMV – in any case OpenStack won’t work as well until the issues are resolved).
Like described on the Pinger charm page, check the unit, status, or ping logs of the failed unit(s):
# change unit-pinger-network-node-0 as needed for another unit $ juju debug-log -i unit-pinger-network-node-0 --replay --no-tail -l ERROR # likewise, change pinger-storage-compute-node/2 as needed below $ juju show-status-log pinger-storage-compute-node/2
A few tips for probable causes:
- If you cannot resolve, the MAAS DNS is not working properly (check
) - If is resolvable, but unreachable your nodes cannot reach the internet (check if you have SNAT/MASQUERADE enabled in
for traffic coming from, but not destined to the range) - If one or more endpoints of the units (or the MAAS .1 IPs) are unreachable, you likely have misconfigured VLANs/ports on either MAAS or the switches.
- If nodes in the same zone are reachable but across zones there are not, definitely check the switches’ ports/VLANs.
Deploying OpenStack Newton
OK, assuming all went fine so far, we only need to change the script slightly (see below) and use the modified openstack-base bundle with 3 nodes only.
#!/bin/bash set -e : ${JUJU_BIN:=/usr/bin/juju} $JUJU_BIN version $JUJU_BIN kill-controller openstack-base-hw-x -y || true $JUJU_BIN bootstrap maas-hw openstack-base-hw-x --config=./maas-hw-config.yaml --to node-22 $JUJU_BIN switch openstack-base-hw-x:controller sleep 5 $JUJU_BIN deploy -m openstack-base-hw-x:controller bundle-3-nodes.yaml $JUJU_BIN remove-unit -m openstack-base-hw-x:controller openstack-dashboard/0 $JUJU_BIN add-unit -m openstack-base-hw-x:controller openstack-dashboard --to lxd:0 $JUJU_BIN remove-unit -m openstack-base-hw-x:controller keystone/0 $JUJU_BIN add-unit -m openstack-base-hw-x:controller keystone --to lxd:0 $JUJU_BIN add-unit -m openstack-base-hw-x:controller ceph-osd --to 0 $JUJU_BIN add-unit -m openstack-base-hw-x:controller ceph-mon --to lxd:0 $JUJU_BIN add-unit -m openstack-base-hw-x:controller nova-compute --to 0 watch "$JUJU_BIN status -m openstack-base-hw-x:controller" $JUJU_BIN kill-controller openstack-base-hw-x
Only notable change is the remove-unit / add-unit “dance” happening there. We want to use the bundle for declaring all the relations (as they are a lot), but we still want to end up with the same distribution of units and placement like with the original 4-node openstack-base bundle. We need to host the dashboard and keystone on the network-node (alongside the Juju controller), but they need to be also in the bundle to declare their relations, config, bindings, etc. I found it least painful to temporarily deploy openstack-dashboard/0
and keystone/0
on one of the storage/compute nodes, and then “move them” (remove and add a new unit of their application) to machine 0. The other few add-unit commands ensure we have the expected number of the units, matching the original bundle.
The bundle itself is quite a lot of lines (less than the original 4-node one, but still) to dump here I think. So I’ve added a link to it instead: It should be straightforward to compare it to the original and see the changes are mostly cosmetic, except the interesting ones describing endpoint bindings.
Show Time!
Like before, just run $ ./
, sit back (a while longer this time – 30-45m) and watch OpenStack being stood up!
Once done, you should see output similar to the one below, and if you want to keep it do not answer “y” to the kill-controller question after hitting Ctrl+C! 🙂
Model Controller Cloud/Region Version controller openstack-base-hw-x maas-hw 2.0.1 App Version Status Scale Charm Store Rev OS Notes ceph-mon 10.2.2 active 3 ceph-mon jujucharms 6 ubuntu ceph-osd 10.2.2 active 3 ceph-osd jujucharms 238 ubuntu ceph-radosgw 10.2.2 active 1 ceph-radosgw jujucharms 245 ubuntu cinder 9.0.0 active 1 cinder jujucharms 257 ubuntu cinder-ceph 9.0.0 active 1 cinder-ceph jujucharms 221 ubuntu glance 13.0.0 active 1 glance jujucharms 253 ubuntu keystone 10.0.0 active 1 keystone jujucharms 258 ubuntu mysql 5.6.21-25.8 active 1 percona-cluster jujucharms 246 ubuntu neutron-api 9.0.0 active 1 neutron-api jujucharms 246 ubuntu neutron-gateway 9.0.0 active 1 neutron-gateway jujucharms 232 ubuntu neutron-openvswitch 9.0.0 active 3 neutron-openvswitch jujucharms 238 ubuntu nova-cloud-controller 14.0.1 active 1 nova-cloud-controller jujucharms 292 ubuntu nova-compute 14.0.1 active 3 nova-compute jujucharms 259 ubuntu ntp unknown 4 ntp jujucharms 0 ubuntu openstack-dashboard 10.0.0 active 1 openstack-dashboard jujucharms 243 ubuntu rabbitmq-server active 1 rabbitmq-server jujucharms 5 ubuntu Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message ceph-mon/0 active idle 2/lxd/0 Unit is ready and clustered ceph-mon/1 active idle 3/lxd/0 Unit is ready and clustered ceph-mon/2* active idle 0/lxd/2 Unit is ready and clustered ceph-osd/0 active idle 2 Unit is ready (1 OSD) ceph-osd/1 active idle 3 Unit is ready (1 OSD) ceph-osd/2* active idle 0 Unit is ready (1 OSD) ceph-radosgw/0* active idle 1/lxd/0 80/tcp Unit is ready cinder/0* active idle 2/lxd/1 8776/tcp Unit is ready cinder-ceph/0* active idle Unit is ready glance/0* active idle 3/lxd/1 9292/tcp Unit is ready keystone/1* active idle 0/lxd/1 5000/tcp Unit is ready mysql/0* active idle 1/lxd/1 Unit is ready neutron-api/0* active idle 2/lxd/2 9696/tcp Unit is ready neutron-gateway/0* active idle 1 Unit is ready ntp/3 unknown idle nova-cloud-controller/0* active idle 2/lxd/3 8774/tcp Unit is ready nova-compute/0 active idle 2 Unit is ready neutron-openvswitch/2 active idle Unit is ready ntp/2 unknown idle nova-compute/1 active idle 3 Unit is ready neutron-openvswitch/1 active idle Unit is ready ntp/1 unknown idle nova-compute/2* active idle 0 Unit is ready neutron-openvswitch/0* active idle Unit is ready ntp/0* unknown idle openstack-dashboard/1* active idle 0/lxd/0 80/tcp,443/tcp Unit is ready rabbitmq-server/0* active idle 1/lxd/2 5672/tcp Unit is ready Machine State DNS Inst id Series AZ 0 started 4y3hge xenial zone2 0/lxd/0 started juju-256b83-0-lxd-0 xenial 0/lxd/1 started juju-256b83-0-lxd-1 xenial 0/lxd/2 started juju-256b83-0-lxd-2 xenial 1 started 4y3hdp xenial zone1 1/lxd/0 started juju-256b83-1-lxd-0 xenial 1/lxd/1 started juju-256b83-1-lxd-1 xenial 1/lxd/2 started juju-256b83-1-lxd-2 xenial 2 started 4y3hdr xenial zone2 2/lxd/0 started juju-256b83-2-lxd-0 xenial 2/lxd/1 started juju-256b83-2-lxd-1 xenial 2/lxd/2 started juju-256b83-2-lxd-2 xenial 2/lxd/3 started juju-256b83-2-lxd-3 xenial 3 started 4y3hdq xenial zone1 3/lxd/0 started juju-256b83-3-lxd-0 xenial 3/lxd/1 started juju-256b83-3-lxd-1 xenial Relation Provides Consumes Type mon ceph-mon ceph-mon peer mon ceph-mon ceph-osd regular mon ceph-mon ceph-radosgw regular ceph ceph-mon cinder-ceph regular ceph ceph-mon glance regular ceph ceph-mon nova-compute regular cluster ceph-radosgw ceph-radosgw peer identity-service ceph-radosgw keystone regular cluster cinder cinder peer storage-backend cinder cinder-ceph subordinate image-service cinder glance regular identity-service cinder keystone regular shared-db cinder mysql regular cinder-volume-service cinder nova-cloud-controller regular amqp cinder rabbitmq-server regular cluster glance glance peer identity-service glance keystone regular shared-db glance mysql regular image-service glance nova-cloud-controller regular image-service glance nova-compute regular amqp glance rabbitmq-server regular cluster keystone keystone peer shared-db keystone mysql regular identity-service keystone neutron-api regular identity-service keystone nova-cloud-controller regular identity-service keystone openstack-dashboard regular cluster mysql mysql peer shared-db mysql neutron-api regular shared-db mysql nova-cloud-controller regular cluster neutron-api neutron-api peer neutron-plugin-api neutron-api neutron-gateway regular neutron-plugin-api neutron-api neutron-openvswitch regular neutron-api neutron-api nova-cloud-controller regular amqp neutron-api rabbitmq-server regular cluster neutron-gateway neutron-gateway peer quantum-network-service neutron-gateway nova-cloud-controller regular juju-info neutron-gateway ntp subordinate amqp neutron-gateway rabbitmq-server regular neutron-plugin neutron-openvswitch nova-compute regular amqp neutron-openvswitch rabbitmq-server regular cluster nova-cloud-controller nova-cloud-controller peer cloud-compute nova-cloud-controller nova-compute regular amqp nova-cloud-controller rabbitmq-server regular neutron-plugin nova-compute neutron-openvswitch subordinate compute-peer nova-compute nova-compute peer juju-info nova-compute ntp subordinate amqp nova-compute rabbitmq-server regular ntp-peers ntp ntp peer cluster openstack-dashboard openstack-dashboard peer cluster rabbitmq-server rabbitmq-server peer
Awesome! Now What?
You can follow the instructions in the openstack-base bundle README to get to the dashboard (Horizon), scale the nodes out, and verify it all works. There are a ton of resources online about OpenStack itself, but then again… You can also use Juju on top of your newly installed OpenStack to deploy workloads (you’d need to import some images first)!
Last but not least: have fun! 🙂 Experiment with your own in-house cloud, tweak it, tear it all or partially down and redeploy it (the process is the same). I might get to write some follow ups about some of these steps in the near future.
In Conclusion
Whew 🙂 we made it to the end! \o/ I hope it was useful and worth waiting for this final part (it almost didn’t happen TBH).
I’ll appreciate your comments and experiences, also try to help with issues you might encounter. Juju is more a free-time, side project for me now though (not a job), so it might take a while to respond.
All the best, thanks again, and good luck!
Here are some convenient links to all articles in the series:
- Introduction
- Hardware Setup
- MAAS Setup
- Nodes Networking
- Advanced Networking
- Finale (this one)
Hi Dimiter,
Thanks for the article, it helped me see how easy is to deploy maas using the CLI. I was able to do my maas deployment using zotac computers (which don’t have the PMI) and when maas turn them on, I just need to send the wakeonlan from the router (no power using maas).
So far I was able to deploy maas 2.0 with juju 2.0, here are some observations if someone is trying to do this:
Some service getting deployed to LXD containers failed because they needed kvm so what I did to go around this was deploy a few services to create the nodes and at least 1 container (to have lxd configured by juju), first, I modified the bundle to only install services on the physical computer, here is the content of bundle_cust.yaml:
Then I ran it (after bootstrapping the node)
juju deploy bundle_cust.yaml
Now I install 1 service that should be placed on a container inside each of the computer (to have lxd configured by juju)
juju deploy cs:~openstack-charmers-next/xenial/ceph-mon --to lxd:1
juju add-unit ceph-mon --to lxd:2
juju add-unit ceph-mon --to lxd:3
juju deploy cs:~openstack-charmers-next/xenial/ceph-radosgw --to lxd:0
These units will fail but we run them to configure lxd. Lets now delete them
juju remove-unit ceph-mon/0
juju remove-unit ceph-mon/1
juju remove-unit ceph-mon/2
juju remove-application ceph-mon
juju remove-unit ceph-radosgw/0
juju remove-application ceph-radosgw
Now lets install kvm, make it available on containers dn load the images that juju needs to avoid errors while installing services on containers. To make my reply shorter, run these commands on all phisical nodes (node 0 – node 4), here is node 0.
juju ssh 0
sudo apt install kvm
sudo lxc
sudo lxc config edit
sudo lxc profile edit default
Add the following at the end (on the devices section):
Save the file and now get the linux image to avoid errors
sudo lxc image copy ubuntu:16.04 local: --alias ubuntu-xenial
Now Repeat for node 1-3
And now we can manually install the bundle
juju deploy cs:~openstack-charmers-next/xenial/ceph-mon --to lxd:1
juju add-unit ceph-mon --to lxd:2
juju add-unit ceph-mon --to lxd:3
Make sure that you use the config file moving forward to set the options
juju deploy --to lxd:0 --config bun.yaml cs:~openstack-charmers-next/xenial/ceph-radosgw
juju deploy --to lxd:2 cs:~openstack-charmers-next/xenial/glance
juju deploy --to lxd:3 --config bun.yaml cs:~openstack-charmers-next/xenial/keystone
juju deploy --to lxd:0 --config bun.yaml cs:~openstack-charmers-next/xenial/percona-cluster mysql
juju deploy --to lxd:1 --config bun.yaml cs:~openstack-charmers-next/xenial/neutron-api
juju deploy cs:~openstack-charmers-next/xenial/neutron-openvswitch
juju deploy --to lxd:2 --config bun.yaml cs:~openstack-charmers-next/xenial/nova-cloud-controller
juju deploy --to lxd:3 cs:~openstack-charmers-next/xenial/openstack-dashboard
juju deploy --to lxd:0 cs:~openstack-charmers-next/xenial/rabbitmq-server
relations (Please note that mysql has been changed by percona-cluster):
juju relate nova-compute:amqp rabbitmq-server:amqp
juju relate neutron-gateway:amqp rabbitmq-server:amqp
juju relate keystone:shared-db mysql:shared-db
juju relate nova-cloud-controller:identity-service keystone:identity-service
juju relate glance:identity-service keystone:identity-service
juju relate neutron-api:identity-service keystone:identity-service
juju relate neutron-openvswitch:neutron-plugin-api neutron-api:neutron-plugin-api
juju relate neutron-api:shared-db mysql:shared-db
juju relate neutron-api:amqp rabbitmq-server:amqp
juju relate neutron-gateway:neutron-plugin-api neutron-api:neutron-plugin-api
juju relate glance:shared-db mysql:shared-db
juju relate glance:amqp rabbitmq-server:amqp
juju relate nova-cloud-controller:image-service glance:image-service
juju relate nova-compute:image-service glance:image-service
juju relate nova-cloud-controller:cloud-compute nova-compute:cloud-compute
juju relate nova-cloud-controller:amqp rabbitmq-server:amqp
juju relate nova-cloud-controller:quantum-network-service neutron-gateway:quantum-network-service
juju relate nova-compute:neutron-plugin neutron-openvswitch:neutron-plugin
juju relate neutron-openvswitch:amqp rabbitmq-server:amqp
juju relate openstack-dashboard:identity-service keystone:identity-service
juju relate nova-cloud-controller:shared-db mysql:shared-db
juju relate nova-cloud-controller:neutron-api neutron-api:neutron-api
juju relate ceph-mon:client nova-compute:ceph
juju relate ceph-mon:client glance:ceph
juju relate ceph-osd:mon ceph-mon:osd
juju relate ntp:juju-info nova-compute:juju-info
juju relate ntp:juju-info neutron-gateway:juju-info
juju relate ceph-radosgw:mon ceph-mon:radosgw
juju relate ceph-radosgw:identity-service keystone:identity-service
juju relate nova-compute:lxd lxd:lxd
And openstack deployed properly, here is the link to the charm that I used:
Hey Elvis,
Thanks for the awesome summary and I’m glad it worked for you! \o/ 🙂
Note: I’ve reformatted your comment to make it easier to read – sorry my WP comments plugin seems to be messing things up sometimes :/
I finally found my problem. The guide created by Dimitern works perfectly, the details on works fine but the problem was that for some reason, installing openstack base from the scratch using juju was defining two security groups.
#While running the following command:
neutron security-group-rule-create –protocol icmp –direction ingress default
#I was getting the following msg:
Multiple security_group matches found for name ‘default’, use an ID to be more specific.
#Then I wanted to see all groups so I went to the help
neutron -h
#Found the command to list all groups and execute it
neutron security-group-list
#and BINGO, found why in my case, the openstack installation was not communicating #properly with VMs created inside of it. So I deleted the second group
neutron security-group-delete f837ae83-1427-4838-ad0d-c0bb768306d7
#Added my rules as described on the openstack base charm
neutron security-group-rule-create –protocol icmp –direction ingress default
#This time it took it! HURRAY!
#Finally opened ssh
neutron security-group-rule-create –protocol tcp –port-range-min 22 –port-range-max 22 –direction ingress default
#Now I was able to access the instance
#Please note that what I had to do to get it working was to define the interface for the br-ex, so neutron configuration looks like this:
bridge-mappings: physnet1:br-ex
data-port: br-ex:enp3s0.99
If possible, please delete my last 2 reply on December 1, 2016 – 03:42 and on December 10, 2016 to make sure that readers don’t get confused.
Yes, sure Elvis – done!
And thanks for the feedback 🙂
Dear Dimiter,
Your last post is also great. My set up is on virtual machines. I am using a openvswitch to connect the nodes between them and with the maas node (this is also a virtual machine). I had run your script-bundle with no problem and it was a really quick final installation of the openstack.
I have made some pastes in order not to have such a big output here. Here it is what i have tested:
Your bundle (with minor changes according my virtual machines hardware):
Your script (vm instead of hw):
The output of charms installation:
The set up and creation of Openstack instances:
I have also tried to bootstrap juju in a separate virtual machine and after that deploy the charms manually but I had two problems (one solved and one didn’t). I had to configure the ceph-osds by hand (successfully) but I didn’t manage to use the ssh key for accessing the instances created in openstack.
Here are all the details:
One last observation is that when i did the installation my vm nodes (node-12, node-21 and node-22) used almost 9GB from my hard disk. This has grown after 6 days up to 24GB at node-22, up to 21GB at node-21 and up to 18GB at node-12.
What I have noticed is that the zfs.img is growing day by day!! I don’t know why this is happening. The whole thing will get stacked after some time…
Here is the output per node:
Once more thanks a lot.
Best Regards,
Hey Miltos,
Great to hear you managed to deploy OpenStack successfully following the guide!
As for the ceph-osd issues, I think the `osd-devices` configured in the bundle is incorrect:
You shouldn’t need list all units’ paths like this. This config implies each of these paths is available on all units.
I think you just need to set e.g. `osd-devices: /srv/ceph-osd` and make sure each of the storage nodes has this partition mounted (via the MAAS UI – create a LVG, and 2 LVs in it – mounted on / and /srv/ceph-osd, respectively). Then it should work out-of-the-box.
Not sure why you’re getting the SSH issue – I’d suggest asking in #juju on FreeNode someone from the OpenStack charmers team about this.
As for the ZFS image growing, I’d expect it to grow a bit – depending on what’s running, especially in a span of one week. If it grows too quickly it can be a problem, and I’d suggest filing a bug against Juju in Launchpad.
Hi Dimiter,
Just to clarify that I didn’t have the problem with the osd-devices when i used your bundle although also there I had the same configuration. Everything run smoothly. This was the strange thing for me. In any way I understand your point and I will try to follow your advise.
My nodes are mounted to an external storage device. There I have two large partitions 1T and 2T which I use to provide the virtual disks to my nodes. Each of the three storage nodes have its own two virtual disks: one mounted on / and one mounted on /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-node-## (e.g., for node-12 this is /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-node-12). If I understand correctly what I have to do is to mount all the storage nodes on the same second disk (image). Correct?
Best Regards,
Hi Miltos,
Yes, mounting the second image on the same mount point for all storage nodes should work. Then you can use that single mount point in osd-devices.
For more details, have a look at the docs here:
Hi Dimiter,
Thanks for the blog. I am wondering if MAAS 2.0 can be installed on ubuntu server 14.04 ? I have tried adding the ppa:maas/stable repository but the one that got installed is maas version 1.9.4. Thanks… Lucio
Hey Lucio,
No, I believe you can’t install MAAS later than 1.9 on 14.04 (none of the team’s PPAs have ‘ubuntu/trusty’ versions). You could try upgrading to xenial (16.04) or (beware: YMMV) from source I guess.
Hi Dimiter,
first thank you for this excellent guide. I got some used HP ProLiant Servers and I’m running MAAS Version 2.1.3+bzr5573-0ubuntu1 (16.04.1).
I have all machines listed and network is configured to map our internal network configurations. I can use the machines with MAAS without problems and pings and ssh is working as well.
However when coming to deploy pinger I experience huge problems. I don’t know what I made wrong but I nailed it down to a possible juju issue or wrong configuration.
When I just bootstrap a juju controller and add one of the machines to the controller it will bootstrap the machine as expected. However when I run
juju add-machine lxd:0
it will run into the following error:
machine-0: 03:15:51 WARNING juju.provisioner failed to start instance (unable to setup network: no obvious space for container “0/lxd/1”, host machine has spaces: “admin-api”, “compute-data”, “default”, “internal-api”, “public-api”, “storage-cluster”, “storage-data”), retrying in 10s (3 more attempts)
machine-0: 03:16:01 WARNING juju.provisioner failed to start instance (unable to setup network: no obvious space for container “0/lxd/1”, host machine has spaces: “admin-api”, “compute-data”, “default”, “internal-api”, “public-api”, “storage-cluster”, “storage-data”), retrying in 10s (2 more attempts)
machine-0: 03:16:11 WARNING juju.provisioner failed to start instance (unable to setup network: no obvious space for container “0/lxd/1”, host machine has spaces: “admin-api”, “compute-data”, “default”, “internal-api”, “public-api”, “storage-cluster”, “storage-data”), retrying in 10s (1 more attempts)
machine-0: 03:16:22 ERROR juju.provisioner cannot start instance for machine “0/lxd/1”: unable to setup network: no obvious space for container “0/lxd/1”, host machine has spaces: “admin-api”, “compute-data”, “default”, “internal-api”, “public-api”, “storage-cluster”, “storage-data”
I googled a bit and it seems there was in issue with juju but it got fixed:
I tried to dig deeper, but i’m stuck now.
when I run
# lxc profile show default
it prints out this:
config: {}
description: Default LXD profile
name: eth0
nictype: bridged
parent: lxdbr0
type: nic
name: default
I thought it might be the problem that I don’t have eth0 and instead enp2s0f0 network devices, however I changed it in one of the nodes in MAAS and it didn’t work as well.
Any hints suggestions what I can do to dig deeper?
Thanks a lot,
You must add on bindings config “”: maas-space
like :
Dear Dimiter, dear all,
first of all a huge thank you for your genius tutorial! Really brilliant!!! I’m now in part 6 and currently facing a first problem I couldnt solve by my own. When I start deploying charms neither your pinger or the openstack bundle, machines very often stuck in pending state … If I run show-machine for that affected machines I got:
I started the whole deploy process several times and its always different machines affected but always stucking at copying image at different percentage?!?!
Any ideas about that? I don’t think its a problem with the internet connection …
Thanks alot! Mathias.
Hey Mathias!
Thank you, and sorry you’re having issues :/
It looks like the deployment is stuck at downloading the LXD images. From the status output ISTM that’s shortly after bootstrapping – right? If you leave it for a few minutes, does it reach 100% on one of the LXD machines? How about the hardware nodes – do they all come up OK without containers? If so, try deploying a pinger unit on each hardware node, and verify the physical network / VLANs / switches setup is working. Once that’s fine, fixing LXD could be as easy as setting up a caching proxy somewhere on the network, or perhaps just ssh into the host and/or lxd machine and ping manually?
Hope some of that helps 😉
Hey Dimitern,
Thanks for your answer! The download worked now … not exactly sure what the issue was, … anyway … but now I got another error … I’m not able to deploy the dashboard … in juju show-machine 0 I always got:
juju spaces shows:
Any ideas, what I’m doing wrong! Would be very happy about any idea!
Thanks again!
Hey Mathias,
From the provisioning error it seems the charm deployed to 0/lxd/3 is lacking specific space bindings.
If that charm is `openstack-dashboard`, it does not specify bindings inside the bundle. Juju’s behavior has changed and now it seems the charm must specify explicit bindings.
As I tested, the dashboard was supposed to be deployed inside a LXD container on machine 0 (hence the `- lxd:3` above), but it should work on machine 0 as well I guess. YMMV.
What I can suggest is to try removing all units of `openstack-dashboard`, wait for them to be gone, and then remove the application itself. Once that’s done, try:
`juju deploy cs:xenial/openstack-dashboard-243 –bind internal-api –to lxd:3`
If that doesn’t work I’d suggest filing a bug against and/or ask for help in #juju on IRC FreeNode.
Dear Dimiter, thanks again!
Dashboard deployed now and I can open the horizon web UI.
But sorry I need to bother you again :/.
Now I can’t login 🙁 … I tried admin and openstack as password … but the browser is loading for 2 min and than I got a chrome page is not working error … or in firefox: The connection was reset …
I tried as well a `juju config keystone admin-password=”openstack” …` but same error …
Now I think maybe a missing relation? But if I type
`juju add-relation openstack-dashboard:identity-service keystone:identity-service`
I got …
`ERROR cannot add relation “openstack-dashboard:identity-service keystone:identity-service”: relation openstack-dashboard:identity-service keystone:identity-service already exists (already exists)`
Sorry again … any more Ideas … its so close …
BR Mathias.
Hey Mathias,
I’m sorry, it’s been a while and my “juju-fu” seems to be getting “rusty” 🙂
You’ll indeed need to re-create the relations between the newly deployed `openstack-dashboard` app to the other apps it needs to talk to. Once you’ve removed all units and the application itself as I suggested earlier, and re-deployed the app, a few additional steps are necessary (see below).
Anyway, to full re-create the same scenario I’m describing (deployed from scratch with the script + bundle) for `openstack-dashboard`, do this (you’ve already done the first 2 steps, but it’s probably better to do them again):
That’s should fix it I think. Keep watching `juju status` for issues, give it some time to “settle”, try logging into Horizon. And read the charm’s docs ( for more info. 😉
Hello Dimiter,
Thank you very much for this detailed documentation.
By the way, did you have a chance to update this documentation to Openstack Pike release?
Thanks, glad the posts are useful!
No, I haven’t and frankly won’t have the time for it, sorry :/
Hi Dimiter,
Like everyone has already said — AMAZING BLOG. Thanks a lot for the detailed guide.
I’ve come to this final page of the Juju Openstack setup and have been facing issues with bootstrapping pinger to test my setup. When I run, I get the following output:
root@maas:~/pinger# ./
ERROR controller pinger-maas-hw not found
Creating Juju controller “pinger-maas-hw” on maas-hw
Looking for packaged Juju agent version 2.2.6 for amd64
Launching controller instance(s) on maas-hw…
– /MAAS/api/1.0/nodes/node-08412b46-cb22-11e7-b610-0cc47a3a4136/ (arch=amd64 mem=128G cores=48)
Fetching Juju GUI 2.10.2
Waiting for address
Attempting to connect to
And it gets stuck at the connection phase where is the node (mentioned using the –to directive) on which I am trying to bootstrap maas-hw. Running “juju status” and other suggestions like “juju debug-log -i unit-pinger-0 –replay –no-tail -l ERROR” and “juju run –unit pinger/0 — ‘cat /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-pinger-0/charm/ping.log'” (as given on the Pinger github page) all give the same error of:
ERROR no API addresses
The current setup is: MAAS 1.9 running on Ubuntu 14.04, juju 2.x and four nodes running Ubunutu 16.04.
PXE booting 14.04 on the nodes threw the “error: ‘curtin’ failed: configuring disk: sda” error and it was given here ( that trusty did not not have the drivers to access disks, so I went with 16.04 on the nodes.
Any suggestions to successfully bootstrap maas-hw/pinger would be really healpful.
Hi Dimiter, Would it be possible to install the juju-gui on the maas controller? I have tried and MAAS attempts to deploy it to one of the actual nodes. :-/ Once again, THANK YOU!
hi Dimiter,
there is no way to get run neutron-api in a proper way 🙁 a curl to the API endpoint will end in “curl: (52) Empty reply from server” 🙁 juju call me a nice working openstack but isnt.
can i ask you to guide me to get a working environment? maybe a skype call with remote desktop?
thx, volker…
Thank you for the great set of guides.
I’ve really learned a lot.
I’ve been attempting to setup OpenStack on MAAS version: 2.4.2 and juju 2.5 bionic setup via snap.
I have lots of questions.
Is it possible for you to do another guide updated for MAAS version: 2.4.2 and juju 2.5 and OpenStack #58?
So much has changed and I did attempt to set up and configure everything via Ubuntu 16.04 but ran in to so many errors on my current 18.04 maas provisioning service that I think just an updated guide where things are different would help.
Besides, netplan is a huge change in 18.04, if you’ve never used it or heard of it that is.
Thank you for all the hard work you put in.
I prepared my setup exactly as you described here. My problem is with openstack version. I want to deploy openstack base focal but a few components are different. I made the necessary changes, the deployment starts, containers are running but juju status shows the containers in pending. Do you have a 4 nodes bundle yaml file with overlay?
Have you sorted this out? I’m working on preparing a bundle for a 4-node compute and 1-node network cloud.
Have gone through all of the relevant blogs on this topic and feel have come to understand the juju spaces and maas syncing, and finally the naming convention as outlined above.
Hi Bogdan,
I’ve been working at this for some time. I was able to create an overlay for OpenStack Victoria with MAAS 2.9 and 20.04 as base OS. My biggest challenge thus far is setting bindings accordingly, and that I am using only a 1g interface for MAAS. This has caused an issue for me when provisioning 5 nodes (3 ceph, 3 compute, 1 network, 1 dashboard/api/vault).
I’m keeping some of the changes on github at:
You can look at the overlay bindings and how it’s set up, I’ve tried to keep as much of the information provided here by this guide but there’s a bit of guesswork as the bundle yaml file that was included here is much different for Juju today.